Saturday, December 11, 2010

Give me space please ...

I need some time to think ... i need some space to breathe ... i need some more room ... Sounds familiar? Lots of time we don't have the luxury of waiting it out but then again sometimes decisions can wait till later. Perhaps after we have a good night's sleep.

Where are my keys? I am rushing here and there, my thoughts are racing and my heart is pounding. I need my keys now and i'm in a hurry!

Close your eyes, breathe, calm down and let go of all your tensions one by one. Enter into the space between thoughts. Make that space between thoughts larger and larger, wider and wider. Enter into a state of no-thoughts. 

Put aside the mind. The mind, the master of all illusions, the "maya", the ultimate magician and trickster. Don't believe your mind. Use if only when necessary as in communicating to others but for self and any journey within, simply put aside the mind. Use your heart instead.

Write on a piece of paper (usually blank white) and you need a black, blue or dark ink. However if you have a black piece of paper, you would need a white ink to contrast out.

Do not think that the focus of your object is there as it seems. It is the background, the scenery that sets the whole. Just as the unknowable is far more powerful and more profound than the known, the background or the scenery is far more powerful and is often neglected.

If we fill our mind with all that we know and not leave any room for the unknown, creativity and growth then we will surely suffocate and wither. Leave and draw no borders or definitions. Hence as soon as we understand a concept it becomes no longer as powerful as when it was not understood yet. Zen's mind - beginner's mind.

The not understood yet is by far more powerful and potentially more helpful than the already understood. Once anything becomes a thought, it is captured and turned finite. Can we capture, interpret or understand the infinite? Chuckles...  the infinite is undescribable and ineffable. A big part of it is unknowable. If that sounds like the Tao to you then it is. It is also the many names of God including the athiest's drive for life. The space encompasses all things and is in all things, organic and in-organic.

When i close my eyes to meditate and breathe. In the darkness, in the emptiness, in the calm and restfulness i think not, i do not ... there is no "i" only being in the present, fully aware and conscious. Only the silent witness of it all. The non-duality of being with the whole of existence.

In space all around us, in the quietness all around us, in the atmosphere all around us, our surroundings ... in the microworld where atoms, molecules, electrons, photon and neutrons whirl ... where we call "space" and as far as the human eye can see into the horizon and towards the sky and stars ... space is out there. Space is all around us. Our body is filled with space. Our thoughts begin and end with space. This space of emptiness is our friend. Get to know it and it will make you live in spontaneity and creativity.

Getting to know the deepest space within each of us will make us very comfortable with being alone. Not lonely but alone. For it is in being alone that life can be lived in its mystery. The mystery of innocence from every present moment to every present moment. Enter eternity in the now. Enter zen from here. Enter bliss from here and now into the deepest space within all of us.

The surface of the ocean is choppy and subject to all weather conditions. The next layer down would be calmer. Layer upon layer, we sink inward toward our deepest space to the bottom of our ocean where it's dark, calm, peaceful. Suddenly we see in the darkness. There the light shines from within. It sparks then burns. It trickles as in a fountain then it overflows when it meets in harmony with the whole of life. Then you would appreciate true tears of bliss and joy and you want to share because it overflows from with you naturally.

In the deepest closet of our hearts there lies a void ... a space. Many have attempted to fill it with all sorts of gods and entertainment. Instead try letting go and giving it all up. Simplify your life. Give away what you don't need. You don't need your worries ... give them away. Let go a little - have a little peace. Let go completely and have complete peace.

So let go off this "void" or emptiness in our deepest core? Yes ... drop it gently, surrender completely. I was warned many times that i would be possessed by evil spirits when i completely let go of all control over myself. Well for one thing, if you have nothing to lose then welcome  the emptiness and the void. 

Nothing evil will happen to you because you have surrendered all misconceptions of evilness as well. You have let go of all illusions and beliefs. You are not thinking or imagining, remember? You are only letting go, surrendering more ...and more. Being more and more compassionate towards yourself and in that moment of mindfulness and awareness you wake up and bring kindness and compassion to all around you in your presence wherever you go and consciousness to whatever you do. 

Then you will understand that when your body sleeps due to weariness, you are still wakeful and conscious. The same state in meditation is the same state you live in moment to moment, present to present in your daily activities. Work, rest and play. Totally, wholly, fully and joyously.

In outer space where all stars continue expanding away from each other. Many are fearful of black holes. These black holes are part of the universe. They are nothing to be afraid of. They are the passing of states to other dimensions. They are like our dark nights of our souls where we face our darkest fears and come out - always... better off. New, fresh and potentially pure. That is evolution is action.


  1. Hi, can you help me fogive someone I have loved deeply? Or maybe, I have always forgiven but I want to let the memories stop hurting me every time.The object of my hurt......he is always in front of my eyes as I work there. I want to forgive & continue......please help.

  2. I cannot help ... i can only show you how you c an stop trying too hard. Many times we "try" too hard. Work on yourself little by little. If you can't empty your cup then slowly, gradually replace the hurt with the practical aspects of your life eg ... looking after yourself by relaxing and being able to inch forward in life. Move on... don't carry old baggages. Gently let them go one by one.
